“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
Mo Willems, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Review of Sand Therapy Article: discussion


In response to a sand tray article in the June 2008 edition of APT Magazine, Dr. Preston-Dillon wrote a critical review highlighting the kinds of problems that contribute to the misunderstanding and distortions of the clinical use of sand. The review is available on our Wiki: http://sandplayvoices.pbwiki.com/Resources  or access it directly with the following link that opens in Word format: REVIEW_OF_APT_ARTICLE_2008.doc

(The review is copyrighted and available for personal use only.)

Please feel free to add comments, concerns, and questions here. You do not need to have an account to post. We do prefer a name or initials instead of anonymous posts, however. Pass this link along to any colleagues you feel may be interested.

Best Wishes,

Dee Preston-Dillon, PhD
Loraine Hunsaker, Network Coordinator


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