“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
Mo Willems, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Grounding Sandplay: Baltimore, MD

American Psychological Association Workshop

Professional CEUS available
Sunday September 17th

Presenter: Dee Preston-Dillon, Ph.D.

Title of Workshop:
Grounding Sandplay Therapy: Narrative and Active Imagination

Workshop description:
Active Imagination is the Jungian approach to view Individuation as it emerges in a series of sand scenes. Sandplay’s compatibility with Eastern philosophy is readily seen when we ground this work with the unconscious in ways of being fully present and aware—Mindful of the process. Yet, there are at least six potential domains of activity during sandplay. Narrative Therapy offers the sandplay clinician ways to consider cultural constructions. A demonstration will show how Mindfulness and Narrative maintain the “safe and protected” space prescribed by Sandplay’s originator Frau Kalff and help ground analytic abstractions.

Questions for the evaluation at the end

1. Competency in Sandplay therapy requires the study of Jungian theory, completing one’s personal process using sand, and knowledge of the function of sandplay as an adjunct to psychotherapy.

2. Sandplay is a projective technique, which draws on an understanding of global myths, symbols, and cultural traditions as well as current cultural constructions.

3. Grounding Sandplay Therapy using Mindfulness and Narrative Therapy balances and enhances the use of Active Imagination to understand a sand scene.

Email sandplayvoices@msn.com for more information