“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
Mo Willems, Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Spring Schedule

The Center for Culture and Sandplay's Spring 2007 Schedule
Online and face-to-face classes for the Certificate in Sand Therapy and for Play Therapy certification (RPT and RPT-S).

[Find more information at www.cultureplay.com]

February 10
Symbols and Meaning: Understanding symbols in creative approaches to psychotherapy
What does the sand scene mean? How is it related to the client’s story? How do I relate a sand scene to the treatment plan? This workshop demonstrates the use of symbol dictionaries, myths, fairy tales, and modern children’s literature for clinical process.
For therapists who use sand therapy this workshop is especially useful in the study of ethical interpretations and understanding of the symbolic.

Online Component: Case studies in the application of symbols and literature in clinical practice.

February 25
Explorations of the Feminine: Reclamations along life’s journey
A part of the gender and culture series.
Participants will explore the dynamics of the feminine and the implications for clinical interventions. Core archetypes: Goddess, Witch, Healer, Mother, Daughter, Sister, and Companion. An experiential workshop.

March 9 & 10
Gestalt and Transactional Analysis: Reclaiming the Inner Child in psychotherapy
Gestalt therapy and Transactional Analysis combined form a remarkable intervention. Set the process into Sand Therapy and the added dimensions of Jungs’ Shadow and Complex enliven Berne and Perl’s theories. This experiential workshop introduces these three theories into an impressively effective skill set. Demonstrations and practice include gestalt, sand therapy and TA.

Online Component: Case studies in the application of three Humanistic perspectives in sand therapy.

March 25
Explorations of the Masculine: Reclamations along life’s journey
A part of the gender and culture series.
Participants will explore the dynamics of the masculine and the implications for clinical interventions. Core archetypes: King, Warrior, Healer, Father, Son, Brother, and Companion. An experiential workshop.

April 21 & 22
Efficacy in Sand Therapy I: Four essential principles for effective practice
Containment, Reflection, Amplification, and Facilitation are core components for effective sand therapy – both sandplay and sand tray. This workshop presents the basic theoretical foundation and demonstrates the skill sets for each of these four areas. Our goal is safe and competent sand therapy no matter the clinician’s theoretical orientation.

Online Component: Case studies in the application of four skill sets for sand therapy.

April 29
Mini Retreat for Clinician Renewal
Burnout, administrative stress, and case work trauma drain the clinician of energy, enthusiasm, hope and a sound positive sense of self efficacy. This one-day mini retreat is designed to refocus attention on reclaiming self, reframing perspective, and healing the tired soul. Time for peaceful reflection, journaling, encounters with nature, and purposeful exercises in sand will support our journey for renewal.

May 11 & 12
Consciousness: Transformation in dreams and psychotherapy

Understanding the role of consciousness and altered states as a part of creative psychotherapy helps the clinician recognize this phenomenon not as an extraordinary event, but as a part of being fully present and engaged in the psychotherapeutic process. Key ideas to be explored include; mindfulness, centering, deep reflection, increased awareness, self hypnosis, and activating the intuitive. An experiential workshop.

May 20
Clinical Passages in Personal Myth: Hillman’s Acorn and Campbell’s Myths
This workshop explores the powerful perspectives in James Hillman’s The Soul’s Code and Joseph Campbell’s mythological perspective as they apply in the use of Jungian sandplay therapy. An experiential workshop, participants will map out their personal journey through story-telling and sand scenes.